To commemorate the release of the world’s first STAR WARS horror novel, DEATH TROOPERS, StarWars.com is running a special Zombie Week! When Lucasfilm asked to contribute a zombie-inspired poster, artist Matt Busch not only jumped at the chance, he decided to do six of them, one for each movie in the saga.
“‘Every Zombie has a Beginning,’ and it all begins here,” says Busch, “though these posters tell an alternate vision of the saga. One that’s more… Infectious. In this version of Episode I: The Zombie Menace, even Jar Jar is deadly and provides no comic relief.”
In addition to having fun shredding these classic characters into zombies, the project has also been a rewarding and educational experience for Busch. “I’ve always been a huge admirer of the original poster artist, Drew Struzan. Doing this parody really let me study the master with fine detail. I’ve learned a lot and and now have even more respect for Drew’s work.”
For the logo and typography, Busch turned to his long time professional partner Paul Michael Kane, who recreated the Episode I logo in Adobe Illustrator. Comments Kane, “Nailing this one down was crucial, as the rest the prequel posters used the same title and credit fonts.”
Head on over here to see more, plus other fantastic art from Spencer Brinkerhoff III and Katie Cook! Stay tuned through the week to see a new zombie poster each day from Matt! Tune in tomorrow to see the continuation of the Zombie Wars saga with his rendition of Episode II: Attack of the Undead!